Tips for maximising an Autumn or Winter sale

Tips for maximising an Autumn or Winter sale

June 4, 2019 | by DiJones

If you’re preparing to market your property in the coming months and are worried about whether Autumn and Winter are good times to sell, don’t be.

Every season has its pros and cons and there are definitely advantages to being in the market right now.

Focus on the positives of the current market

There’s no denying that Sydney’s market has cooled, with prices down as much as 20% in parts of the city from its peak. However, we’ve written before about the advantages of the changing market for both buyers and sellers. The main thing to remember is that if you are buying in the same market in which you are selling, your new property will also have fallen in price. This can be particularly beneficial for buyers who are upsizing their homes, as there will likely be less of a gap between your current and future properties.

In most cases, current prices have now dropped back to around where they were in 2016, which means if you bought before then you will still likely get more for your home than you paid. What’s more, while the softening Sydney real estate market is scaring off many buyers, smart property investors and buyers know that now is time to snap up a good deal.

Location is still more important than market fluctuations

We've seen a great start to 2019 with many vendors achieving excellent results, particularly in blue chip areas such as Sydney’s upper North Shore. It’s important to remember that the upper North Shore is home to many premium properties that are always in high demand, regardless of the time of year or current market conditions. In particular, prestige properties in the upper North Shore are in high demand.

Advantages of selling in Autumn and Winter

People can be almost superstitious about the “right” time of year to sell but in our experience there’s always an ebb and flow of buyers and sellers in the market and selling in the cooler months has its own advantages.

Autumn is a very busy time of year in the property market, second only to spring, with many buyers feeling eager to make their move before Winter kicks in. However, there should still be less competition than during the peak selling period that is the spring months.

Even the dead of Winter has its positives for sellers; for one, buyers who are looking are typically serious. Plus, fewer properties for sale can push up demand – and therefore prices – for those that are on the market. If other vendors aren’t selling in Autumn in your area then it could in fact be the perfect time to sell.

Highlight your property’s unique appeal

Regardless of when you are selling, you always want to make sure your property is displayed at its best. There are many easy and affordable updates you can make, such as updating accessories, decluttering, adding a new coat of paint or repairing any broken or outdated fixtures.

Promote your garden’s beauty

Upper North Shore gardens generally look spectacular when they are in the full bloom of Autumn colour, so make sure that your garden and front lawn are clear of debris with leaves raked, hedges trimmed, and lawns mowed. Because weather can be unpredictable in Sydney in Autumn and Winter, be sure to clear a path for prospective buyers to your front door that will minimise mud being tracked into your home. An outdoor fire pit or heat lamps are an easy addition that can greatly enhance outdoor appeal and help your buyers visualise what a great space your home is to live in all year around.

Use light and heat

Selling a property in Winter can be an opportunity to show it off in a different light and highlight how warm and cosy it is even at the coldest time of the year. Emphasise features such as heating, good insulation and lighting, particularly if your property is north-facing and captures Sydney’s wonderful warm Winter sun.

Time your showings to maximise natural light and be sure to throw open all curtains and blinds. If buyers are coming in from the Winter cold, make sure it’s warm and toasty inside by lighting a roaring log fire or turning up the central heating. Lighting candles and scattering thick warm blankets and rugs in living rooms and bedrooms can also help make a space feel cosy when it’s cold outside.

Need advice about selling in the current market?

Whether you’re a buyer or seller, get in touch today for advice on your property needs.

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