Plan now to sell your home in Spring

Plan now to sell your home in Spring

June 27, 2018 | by DiJones

Everyone has an opinion on the best time to buy or sell property. Family and friends often pitch in with advice and vendors often feel they should wait until Spring before they put their home on the market.

We often speak to vendors in winter who are waiting until Spring to put their house on the market. It’s true that we do see higher attendances for auctions and open homes from September onwards, but there’s plenty you can do in winter to get market ready.

Here’s how to make the most of the coming weeks to get your house in the best possible shape for a Spring auction.

Begin decluttering early

It’s never too early to begin the process of decluttering, especially if you have lived in the home for a long time. Clutter in a home can detract from its best features, so it’s important to go through your possessions and recycle or donate whatever you can. The other benefit of this is that you will have less to pack when it comes time to move!

Style your home for sale

Ask a friend with a good eye for detail to walk through the home and let you know of any visual spoilers – or, if you are not living in the home, you might want to consider a professional home stylist, who can loan furniture and will style your home to attract buyers.

Try to imagine your home through the eyes of a buyer. Begin by walking from the street to your home, casting a critical eye over the garden, entryway, and front door, before walking through the home.

Make minor repairs

Before you put the home on the market, it’s worth making sure it’s in perfect condition. Check all lights work and make sure there are no cupboards which don’t close or taps which drip. You might be used to these minor inconveniences, but to a potential buyer they seem obvious and might even imply that your home has not been properly looked after.

Consider listing your home before Spring

If you find your home is ready for sale before Spring, why not put it on the market early? A Winter sale can be surprisingly appealing for a number of reasons. Because so many properties come on the market in Spring, there can be greater competition for a property in the winter market.

A sale in Winter can also mean that vendors who are looking to purchase another home can get a jump on the Spring market, allowing them a better position to negotiate when there are more homes to choose from.

It’s also worth noting that some properties actually sell better in Winter, particularly west-facing homes which can beautifully showcase the home’s winter sunlight.

If you’re considering selling this year contact ourteam today for advice on the best timing for your property.

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