Tips for living in a styled home

Tips for living in a styled home

November 9, 2017 | by DiJones

Perfection doesn’t last long. You get a minute of squeaky-clean bliss after mopping before a stray piece of fluff falls onto the floor. The stovetop will glisten until you use it to cook again. The shower will soon again contain a strand of hair or two.

That’s life, and it’s something most of us can cope with. However, when your home is on the market, it’s vital that it appears at its absolute best at all times. So how can you keep it looking like it’s been lifted from the pages of Vogue Living, while keeping your sanity in check?

Avoid diving to catch every dust particle and chasing your cat with the lint roller with these tips:

Hire a cleaner

Consider enlisting a professional cleaner to prepare your home ahead of inspections. A good cleaner will have an eye for detail and won’t miss the areas (such as the top of the blinds or the grills of extractor fans) that you may have forgotten about.

Document your house

After your home has been cleaned and styled, photograph each room. That way when something changes (if someone removes a couch cushion or a throw for instance), you’ll be able to easily restore it.

Minimise the space you use

If possible, close off rooms (such as guest bedrooms) that don’t need to be used, in order to keep them neat and tidy.

Stay on top of housework

It can be tempting to let housework slide once your home has been fully cleaned. But keeping on top of vacuuming, mopping and dusting will help your home remain spick and span.

Hide the evidence

Lived-in households have dirty clothes, but prospective buyers shouldn’t be reminded of this. Full clotheslines don’t add visual charm either. Cupboards will be opened, so neatly store your clean clothes. Hide dirty washing somewhere like the boot of your car during inspections so that it’s out of sight.


While the aroma of baking bread can lure buyers in, the smell of kitty litter, old sneakers and chemical cleaning products are a turn-off. Even scented candles or your favourite perfume or cologne can be off puttingto others. Welcome in fresh air by regularly opening windows, storing smelly items in a plastic bag (and hiding them away) and avoid any strong scents.

Move out

If keeping your home looking perfect while you’re living there is wearing you out, consider moving out during the inspection period. If you’re unable to stay with family or friends, a hotel visit is the perfect solution. Your house will remain in the condition you left it in and buyers will more easily be able to see its potential. Most importantly, you’ll feel rested and relaxed at your home away from home.


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