Back-to-back Residential Agency of the Year AREA awards for DiJones

Back-to-back Residential Agency of the Year AREA awards for DiJones

March 24, 2022

DiJones has been recognised as Residential Agency of the Year for the second time in a row, a first at the Annual REA Excellence Awards (AREAs), held last night (24 March 2022).

“In 2021 the DiJones team was focussed on getting the house in order, by operationally looking at three key pillars - people, process, and platforms and we believe it is this focus that has given us this opportunity to take out the title again,” DiJones CEO Dean Mackie said.

“We have worked tirelessly to ensure that DiJones remains relevant in both an evolving consumer landscape and real estate category and while also not losing sight of the importance of providing the right support to our team members internally.

It is the first time in the AREAs six-year history that an agency has won the Residential Agency of the Year back-to-back, with DiJones taking out the award in 2021 and 2020.

“In line with our strategic plan DiJones launched a series of platforms in 2021 including a virtual agent designed to provide 24/7 access to property information for consumers and a new website which put the future expectations of consumers at the top of the agenda,” Mr Mackie said.

“At DiJones, it’s our people 1st approach that empowers our team to seek out, live and own their unique purpose. We are proud to be unlocking more for them, our clients and the communities in which we live.

We offer a real estate Library that includes resources such guides and e-books which are available any time, day or night. We have created a simplified property search allowing customers to search from a different angle including sea change and family friendly and have landlord and tenant portals all while still offering contemporary property advertising.

Mr Mackie said while DiJones has a growth agenda the focus is not to be the biggest agency.

“We want to provide the best possible experience and service clients in the same way that Di Jones herself did 30 years ago. A large focus in 2021 was to provide a supportive environment to our team. We put wellness, health and balance at the forefront of our business with programs including the Dine with DiJones cooking events, Random Acts of DiJones which highlighted acts of kindness towards other team members as well as fitness classes. Most importantly these will continue into 2022 and beyond.

“Our award for Residential Agency of the Year shows that we are heading down the right path and provides us with great optimism.

The AREAs focus is to recognise and celebrate the success of REA’s customers from residential and commercial agents, property management professionals, to developer and home builders as well as media agencies.

For further information contract Helen Hull at Helpr Media via or on 0419 642 961.

About the author
Carly Dircks
Digital Media Manager

Carly Dircks brings over 20+ years of extensive marketing experience as DiJones’ Digital Media Manager.